Information for disabled persons
Barrier-free access to the cathedral

Zugang zur Domplatte für Rollstuhlfahrer ist das Domgässchen.
Der Innenraum und die Schatzkammer des Kölner Domes sind barrierefrei zugänglich.
Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Domschweizer.

During liturgies at the people’s altar there are reserved spaces for wheelchair users in front of the first row of the northern transept. Feel free to bring one accompanying person to the first row.

Guide dogs and walking frames are allowed inside the cathedral.

Note: As the old building is currently under reconstruction, DOMFORUM is now located at Roncalliplatz 3. Please note that the space is not barrier-free and does not dispose of lavatories for disabled persons.

Ascent of the tower is not accessible to persons with limited mobility.

Transmission of services and virtual tour

Persons unable to visit the cathedral because of impairments have the chance to listen to selected masses on

WDR offers a virtual tour through the cathedral.

Der Dom für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen

Blind and visually impaired persons can discover the cathedral with the help of a relief book which shows the cathedral’s famous history and its most outstanding pieces of art. The relief pictures make architecture and objects become palpable. The included audio CD contains all texts, the sound of Saint Peter’s bell and a song in the local dialect “Kölsch”.

Blind people can purchase the relief book at a special price of € 10 when presenting their disability card.

Der Kölner Dom

Barbara Schock-Werner
Ein Reliefbuch für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen
Verlag Kölner Dom


Cologne Cathedral for hearing-impaired people

To assist hearing-impaired people in visiting masses and concerts, rows 5 - 15 as well as the Lady Chapel are equipped with inductive loops that support certain hearing aids. Please check signs on the pews.